Happy 2015!!!!
Here it is, the beginning of a NEW YEAR! I think this is an exciting day. You get to start over and set new goals to better your life. Have you written your New Year's Resolutions?
I spent the last week of the year analyzing this past year. It was a tough year, but also a year filled with many blessings. I'm grateful for all of the wonderful people that are a part of my life. They made a difference in my life, and for that, I am thankful.
As this new year begins, I am setting a lot of goals, just like everyone else. But I don't just want to make a list of goals that I'll forget about. I want to change my life.
That's quite the statement, right?
While I love my life, I want to be more present in living it. I want to seize everyday and do the things I love. I want to influence the life of others, I want to make a difference. I want to be a better person and I want to become a better version of myself.
How am I to accomplish all of this?
I'm breaking down my life, day by day. I'm making small changes that will help me become the best version of me. Some things may seem like small changes, but when all the changes are added together, it will change my life.
I'll be posting everyday, both here and on Instagram. I'll post the things, quotes and people who inspire me. I'll post challenges and update you on the things that work out, and those that don't.
I hope you'll join me on this journey. A 365 day journey. What will you name your journey?
For now, let's name my journey...A Life that Sparkles.
Add some sparkle to your day,